Explorando el increíble viaje de HIH Emperatriz Farah Pahlavi desde la Emperatriz hasta el exilio, "Irán Moderno: La Emperatriz del Arte" arroja luz sobre la colección de arte moderno que dejó atrás.
DesignCurial / Assouline Editorial / Enero 6, 2021 / Fuente Externa
La editorial Assouline ha anunciado su obra más reciente, Iran Modern: The Empress of Art. Con un prólogo de la emperatriz Farah Pahlavi y un texto de Viola Raikhel-Bolot y Miranda Darling, Iran Modern descubre la historia perdida del increíble viaje de Pahlavi desde la emperatriz hasta el exilio y descubre la espectacular colección de arte contemporáneo que se vio obligada a dejar atrás.
Durante su reinado como la primera emperatriz coronada en la historia de Irán, HIH Farah Pahlavi dedicó su vida a servir al pueblo iraní, creando y curando museos de arte y festivales en todo el país en lo que se conoció como la "Edad de Oro" de Irán. Su visión era establecer a Irán como una vanguardia cultural e inspirar y empoderar a una nueva generación de artistas.
Con un buen ojo para el arte contemporáneo, la Emperatriz acumuló una de las mayores colecciones de arte moderno del mundo para su país, que se dice rivaliza con cualquier colección que se pueda encontrar en Europa o América. Trabajando con un elenco de curadores internacionales y marchantes de arte, la Emperatriz reunió obras que incluían las de van Gogh, Picasso, Bacon, Rothko y de Kooning.
No satisfecha con simplemente coleccionar arte moderno, la Emperatriz visitó los estudios de artistas como Henry Moore y Marc Chagall. También encargó obras directamente a un joven Andy Warhol, quien realizó una visita a HIH en el Palacio Real. “Lo pasé de maravilla”, se cita a Warhol que le dijo a Bob Colacello, editor de la revista Interview, después de su visita a Teherán. “Estaba tan arriba. Tan glamoroso; ella [la Emperatriz] era muy, muy amable y muy hermosa ".
Sin embargo, en 1979, la Revolución puso al país patas arriba y la Emperatriz y su familia se vieron obligadas a exiliarse. El Irán que emergió de los disturbios era casi irreconocible, y la espectacular colección de arte que la Emperatriz había acumulado se escapó de la conciencia pública. Iran Modern: The Empress of Art espera contar la historia no contada de HIH Emperatriz Farah Pahlavi, y su visión de Irán como un ícono artístico y cultural.
Las autoras Viola Raikhel-Bolot y Miranda Darling están bien posicionadas para contar esta historia como cofundadoras de Vanishing Pictures Productions, una productora que tiene como objetivo contar las historias de las mujeres que han ejercido el poder blando para cambiar el curso de la historia. Iran Modern: The Empress of Art se publicará en tapa dura, por Assouline Publishing, a finales de noviembre de 2018.
From the late Sixties onward, Empress Farah Pahlavi of Iran amassed one of the world’s greatest collections of modern art for her country. As she explains in the foreword to this richly produced book, they couldn’t afford old foreign masterpieces, so started with the Impressionists and worked their way forwards. Thus began a cultural golden age in Iran – Andy Warhol and Elizabeth Taylor visited Tehran, while the Empress scouted out Henry Moore in his studio, met Salvador Dalì in Paris and Chagall in the South of France. She founded the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art and filled it with works by Max Ernst, Magritte, Renoir, Monet, Francis Bacon and Jackson Pollock.
It wasn’t to last – the revolution in 1979 led to the exile of the imperial family, and the disappearance of the Empress’s collection from public view and memory. Her story, and the story of these extraordinary artworks, is told here by Viola Raikhel-Bolot and Miranda Darling.
Exploring HIH Empress Farah Pahlavi’s incredible journey from Empress to exile, “Iran Modern: The Empress of Art” sheds light on the collection of modern art she left behind.
Publishing house Assouline has announced its newest work, Iran Modern: The Empress of Art. With a foreword by HIH Empress Farah Pahlavi and text by Viola Raikhel-Bolot and Miranda Darling, Iran Modern uncovers the lost story of Pahlavi’s incredible journey from Empress to exile, and unearths the spectacular collection of contemporary art that she was forced to leave behind.
During her reign as the first crowned Empress in Iranian history, HIH Farah Pahlavi dedicated her life to serving the Iranian people, creating and curating art museums and festivals across the country in what was known as Iran’s “Golden Age”. Her vision was to establish Iran as a cultural vanguard, and to inspire and empower a new generation of artists.
With a keen eye for contemporary art, the Empress amassed one of the world’s greatest collections of modern art for her country, said to rival any collection that can be found in Europe or America. Working with a cast of international curators and art dealers, the Empress gathered works including those by van Gogh, Picasso, Bacon, Rothko and de Kooning.
Not satisfied with merely collecting modern art, the Empress visited the studios of artists including Henry Moore and Marc Chagall. She also commissioned works directly from a young Andy Warhol, who paid a visit to HIH at the Royal Palace. “I had the best time,” Warhol is quoted saying to Bob Colacello, editor of Interview magazine, after his visit to Tehran. “It was just so up there. So glamorous; she [the Empress] was really, really kind and so beautiful.”
However, in 1979, the Revolution turned the country upside down and the Empress and her family were forced into exile. The Iran that emerged from the unrest was almost unrecognisable, and the spectacular art collection that the Empress had accumulated slipped out of public consciousness. Iran Modern: The Empress of Art hopes to tell the untold story of HIH Empress Farah Pahlavi, and her vision for Iran as an artistic, cultural icon.
Authors Viola Raikhel-Bolot and Miranda Darling are well placed to tell this story as the co-founders of Vanishing Pictures Productions, a production company that aims to tell the stories of the women who have wielded soft power to change the course of history. Iran Modern: The Empress of Art will be published in hardcover, by Assouline Publishing, at the end of November 2018.