Arte Al Día / Internacional / OCA Septiembre 14, 2020 // Fuente externa
Hasta enero de 2021, LaCa Projects presenta Beachcomber, la tercera exposición individual en la galería del artista contemporáneo internacionalmente reconocido Carlos Estévez. Beachcomber es una exposición multimedia que consta de más de cincuenta obras de arte en pintura, ensamblaje de objetos encontrados y cerámica. La muestra devela una coyuntura fundamental en la evolución continua del proceso artístico de Carlos, con referencias a temas arquetípicos de la metafísica, la transformación y la espiritualidad humana.
En estas obras, Estévez construye mundos, alegorías de la tensión entre nuestro microcosmos imaginario y nuestro macrocosmos existencial, mientras tratamos de suspenderse entre los dos para mantener la cordura. Se nutre de experiencias tan variadas como sus composiciones: una vida que comenzó en Cuba, pero con un tiempo significativo en París, Charlotte y, en las últimas décadas, Miami. Él dobla estas experiencias a través de la lente conceptual de manuscritos iluminados, textos medievales y filosofía contemporánea, lo que Estévez ha descrito como “transcripciones y traducciones de mis observaciones cotidianas en imágenes”. Carlos Estévez (n. 1969, Cuba) vive y trabaja actualmente en Miami. Su educación comenzó en la Escuela Primaria de Artes Plásticas, continuó en la Academia de Bellas Artes San Alejandro, y la completó en el Instituto Superior de Arte de La Habana en 1992, donde recibió su Licenciatura en Bellas Artes. Su trabajo en pintura, dibujo, escultura e instalaciones ha recibido elogios internacionales, destacando el Gran Premio en el Primer Salón de Arte Cubano Contemporáneo en 1995. Ha aparecido en numerosas exposiciones individuales en prestigiosas instituciones como el Museo de Bellas Artes de La Habana, Cuba, el Museo de Arte Patricia y Phillip Frost de la Universidad Internacional de Florida y el Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Nueva Orleans, Luisiana. Sus obras también se pueden encontrar en colecciones públicas y privadas de todo el mundo, incluido el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de La Habana, el Foro Ludwig en Aachen, Alemania, el Museo de Bellas Artes de Boston y el Museo de Arte Pérez en Miami, Florida. Establecida en 2013, Latin American Contemporary Art (LaCa) Projects se ubica en Charlotte, Carolina del Norte. La misión de la galería es crear una puerta de entrada para conectar a los artistas latinoamericanos contemporáneos con la escena artística cada vez más diversificada de Charlotte, así como proporcionar una ubicación en la región sureste de los Estados Unidos para que los coleccionistas de arte desarrollen y fomenten una apreciación por la narrativa visual del arte latinoamericano contemporáneo.
(LaCa) Projects is located in Charlotte, North Carolina. The mission of the
Until January 2021, LaCa Projects presents Beachcomber, the third solo exhibition at the gallery of internationally recognized contemporary artist Carlos Estévez. Beachcomber is a multimedia exhibition consisting of more than fifty works of art in painting, assemblages of found objects and ceramics. The exhibition reveals a fundamental juncture in the continuous evolution of Carlos's artistic process, with references to archetypal themes of metaphysics, transformation and human spirituality.
In these works, Estévez builds worlds, allegories of the tension between our imaginary microcosm and our existential macrocosm, while we try to suspend ourselves between the two to maintain sanity. He draws on experiences as varied as his compositions: a life that began in Cuba, but with significant time in Paris, Charlotte and, in recent decades, Miami. He folds these experiences through the conceptual lens of illuminated manuscripts, medieval texts, and contemporary philosophy, what Estévez has described as "transcriptions and translations of my everyday observations into images."
Carlos Estévez (b. 1969, Cuba) currently lives and works in Miami. His education began at the Primary School of Plastic Arts, continued at the San Alejandro Academy of Fine Arts, and completed it at the Higher Institute of Art in Havana in 1992, where he received his Bachelor of Fine Arts. His work in painting, drawing, sculpture and installations has received international praise, highlighting the Grand Prize at the First Salon of Contemporary Cuban Art in 1995. He has appeared in numerous solo exhibitions at prestigious institutions such as the Museum of Fine Arts in Havana, Cuba. , the Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Art at Florida International University and the Center for Contemporary Art in New Orleans, Louisiana. His works can also be found in public and private collections around the world, including the National Museum of Fine Arts in Havana, the Ludwig Forum in Aachen, Germany, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, and the Pérez Art Museum in Miami. , Florida.
Established in 2013, Latin American Contemporary Art (LaCa) Projects is located in Charlotte, North Carolina. The gallery's mission is to create a gateway to connect contemporary Latin American artists with Charlotte's increasingly diversified art scene, as well as to provide a location in the southeastern region of the United States for art collectors to develop and foster an appreciation for the visual narrative of contemporary Latin American art Until January 2021, LaCa Projects presents Beachcomber, the third solo exhibition at the gallery of internationally recognized contemporary artist Carlos Estévez. Beachcomber is a multimedia exhibition consisting of more than fifty works of art in painting, assemblages of found objects and ceramics. The exhibition reveals a fundamental juncture in the continuous evolution of Carlos's artistic process, with references to archetypal themes of metaphysics, transformation and human spirituality.
In these works, Estévez builds worlds, allegories of the tension between our imaginary microcosm and our existential macrocosm, while we try to suspend ourselves between the two to maintain sanity. He draws on experiences as varied as his compositions: a life that began in Cuba, but with significant time in Paris, Charlotte and, in recent decades, Miami. He folds these experiences through the conceptual lens of illuminated manuscripts, medieval texts, and contemporary philosophy, what Estévez has described as "transcriptions and translations of my everyday observations into images."
Carlos Estévez (b. 1969, Cuba) currently lives and works in Miami. His education began at the Primary School of Plastic Arts, continued at the San Alejandro Academy of Fine Arts, and completed it at the Higher Institute of Art in Havana in 1992, where he received his Bachelor of Fine Arts. His work in painting, drawing, sculpture and installations has received international praise, highlighting the Grand Prize at the First Salon of Contemporary Cuban Art in 1995. He has appeared in numerous solo exhibitions at prestigious institutions such as the Museum of Fine Arts in Havana, Cuba. , the Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Art at Florida International University and the Center for Contemporary Art in New Orleans, Louisiana. His works can also be found in public and private collections around the world, including the National Museum of Fine Arts in Havana, the Ludwig Forum in Aachen, Germany, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, and the Pérez Art Museum in Miami. , Florida.
Established in 2013, Latin American Contemporary Art (LaCa) Projects is located in Charlotte, North Carolina. The gallery's mission is to create a gateway to connect contemporary Latin American artists with Charlotte's increasingly diversified art scene, as well as to provide a location in the southeastern region of the United States for art collectors to develop and foster an appreciation for the visual narrative of contemporary Latin American art.